Upcoming events.
Hello Beautiful Human
I'm excited to offer a virtual manifestation 1.5 hour workshop on Nurturing Abundance. Men and women are welcome. The word abundance originates in the stem abundans meaning to overflow and to be full. Do you remember your great worthiness to receive everything that you desire? Sometimes in this fast world, with an emphasis on doing to be productive rather than being, there can be a forgetting of the feminine as the lead principle of creation. Our feminine aspect is sensual, open, authentic expression, trust and receptivity to receive. Our femininity allows energy to flow freely, and from this place we can magnetise all that we desire to experience in life. There is still so much scarcity consciousness on our planet that we have to really consciously tune in to our Soul and connect intimately with our inner desires and what we know is possible for us. To experience being with anything in our life, we cannot feel without. We are here as powerful creators, who can magnetise, heart throb and speak things into being with our innate magic and power.
In this workshop I'll share with you techniques for connecting in with the frequency of abundance,
approaches and rituals for manifestation and intention setting, and channel a live magical guided meditation for you
The Zoom session will be live and recorded so you can go back into it later anytime if you wish to.
If you'd like to join in this magical container, I'd love to see you there,
I'm excited to share approaches with you that created such deep magic in my life
Follow this link for YouTube introduction to the masterclass xx Kisses
With love Joanna xxx
@itsjoannalong IG
@schooloftao YouTube
BUCHAREST EVENT Saturday 11th May 18.00 1.5hrs
At The Legacy Events Space
Beautiful Human, I'm excited to offer a sanctuary circle for women looking to connect more deeply with their femininity and soft receiving nature and power. As Lover, as Leader, and as Creator. Enter into this creative field with me as we ceremonially play, move, create, release, share and dance in love and togetherness. I will share with you aspects of my somatic movement, powerfully transformative chants, and expressive Art tools that have supported me in healing my body and liberating my expression, bringing my body to a place of deep aliveness. Expect blindfolds, Blue Lotus tea ceremony for deep relaxation, contact improvised movement and touch with other amazing women, and collective song, as I guide you deeply into your body. Come with an open mind and heart.
I look forward to welcoming you into this space of liberation and non judgement.
With all my love, Joanna
To ask any questions or reserve your place in this magical circle
please DM me IG @itsjoannalong or WhatsApp me|+886905549407
Entrance 190 LEI
Dear Beautiful Soul,
It is my great pleasure to share with you the first of my Deep Feminine Online Starlight containers.
Welcome to THE VENUS CODE program for liberation & The Seven Magnetic gateways, which works to support you in connecting with your Source and magnetic feminine power.
All of my guidings and support sessions are rooted in channeled Taoist philosophy, Ancient Chinese & Tibetan Buddhist wisdom that seeks to bring harmony between inner canvas and external experience of reality.
The focus of these three October sessions, which will run on Sunday 15th/22nd & 29th October @7pm for 2 hours (GMT+3), will be on the Sun, your Sun, your source light, and on summoning & strenghtening the masculine channel of energy working through your body, so as to shine unapologetically brightly.
In this safe and starlight space, held in the light and wings of Goddess Isis, our Starlight Mother, we will dive into ~
*How to cultivate your subtle energetic light body to make you more magnetic
*Intent, consent and structure of the divine masculine/SUN~moning more masculine energy through the body to remember your fully empowered capacity to create anything your heart desires
*Royal rage release to make energetic space and redirection energy that has been being stored in the energetic body
*Deep dive into the Buddhist/Universal Mystic law of the Lotus (mystery of the sacred divine feminine)with a focus on divining your purpose and mission on Earth & reading the realm of symbol/communicating with the Divine/Your highest self
*Expanding your courage to take up space and walk your shine
*Working with Tibetan Buddhist Warrior syllables for healing, expansion, clearing and manifestation
*Strengthening the Red King in you (your masculine aspect)
*Work on allowing your desires, creating strong boundaries & protecting your space, days & sleep realm
*Secret symbols of Ancient Chinese Taoist wisdom related to protection, the masculine & ambition
*Sharing my intimate ways of ritual and prayer to summon, protect & heal
*Connecting with your Source energy
COST PER WEEKLY SESSION ~ 77 GBP (payable before each weeks gathering/option to pay full amount for all three sessions)
You will receive notes, journal prompts & secret Ancient Chinese coded symbols each week in support of the live sesssions online.
Contact me directly to reserve your space in this Mother Ship
With all my love
Joanna xxx
the VENUS circle of love
Join me for an evening of magic at The Legacy Meditation centre, Bucharest ~ Most of what I will share will unravel through me on the evening, but anticipate an experience of internal flight, wildness, release & discussion. Guided meditation, Goddess Isis codes channeled, tactility, blindfolds, ecstatic drawing, Blue Lotus codes & mystical play.
To enter this intimate starlight Temple ~ & book your space you can DM me @goldenflowerbeing / Whatsapp me +886 905549407
Entry ~ 220 Lei including materials
The Legacy ~ Strada Gazelei 44, București 040514