TAOISM FOR LIBERATION & mediTation myths

In this fast world as it currently is, it can feel like you're radically going against the flow if you slow down and go at the pace that feels true for you.

For twenty generations we've progressively been going through an information revolution.

The speed at which information, which is energy, is accessible is both revolutionary and at the same time needs moderating by us each responsibly and personally.

Basically choose consciously what you're ingesting. As you take something in (people, food, newspaper articles, TV, food whatever it is) check and see if it makes you feel better or not? 

If you're anything like me, and you're super absorbent and sensitively sponge-like,  it can feel saturating if you don't slow down enough to discern what information you're allowing into your field of awareness.

My unwavering rule is if it doesn't feel good and sweet, and it depletes in any way, it's a big juicy sacred NO.

I remember my Mum telling me that she couldn't sleep once because she was watching a chilling drama before bed that made her feel edgy. To which I asked, well why were you watching it then?

But let's dispel a few myths around meditation. something that we actually all need in one way or another, in order to hear the voice of our internal being and tune out what others, including society, might consider best for us, or expected. So that we can be here now, in the way that feels natural for us.

Meditation is simply a way of quieting the mind, so that you can hear and feel your heart and desires. It is an opening to receive rather than a trying to gain. It's not something to try to do, but rather a state of coming into allowance without judgement, and without trying to change anything from the way it is. You don't have to stop thinking, instead allow the thoughts to pass through you without attachment, and without a narrative. Instead of suppressing or holding or denying feelings, allow them all.  To heal it you have to fully feel it my friend. As unpleasant as that can sometimes be. 

When you're relaxed and in a state of allowance, energy can flow freely through you, including emotions *energy in motion* which guides you into alignment with your Soul.

Whenever you feel any negative emotion, it's simply because you're in opposition to what your Soul is knowing is possible for you to experience. 

Your job is not to suppress or judge or deny any of the emotions moving through you, but to observe their rise and flow and see what they're showing you about how to move in the direction of what feels better.

Anger shows you where your boundaries are and creates protection, it pushes people away. Envy shows you what you're striving for or desiring at a soul level. Sadness shows that you are holding grief in your body, notice what triggered the sadness and what's behind it. 

So meditation is supposed to be pleasurable and not a test of endurance to see how much pain in uncomfortable positions you can withstand.  The word meditation comes from the root *med, meaning to take appropriate measures. What this looks like for people personally will vary dramatically. It can be very dynamic, walking, moving, drawing, creating. Anything where you reach states of absorption and the rational mind takes a rest. 

Perhaps like me you were imprinted with an image of Buddha beneath a Banyan tree for months in static, stoic, seated, long meditation, long stretches of solitude? Sometimes this is a calling for some. But the Taoist approach, which is the ancestral lineage from which I have descended, is both more flexible, feminine and more efficient.. It's the path of allowance.  The Tao is to allow. To allow movement, to allow emotion, to allow healing through relationship, to allow yourself to try and fail and review and redo, to allow to enjoy life, to allow to take sacred pauses, to allow to be guided by your heart, and allow your heart to lead your mind.

To allow to see that God is not elsewhere but right here, through everything and through you, and there are messages from source for you in e v e r y t h i n g if you're paying attention. So tune in! T shirt slogans, symbolic objects in cafes, the environmental conditions, the songs people share with you at particular moments … and … and …

The Tao 道 shows an image of a person moving, of walking the way, which is your way.  With all of the specifics of your soul journey which is so wildly unique. 

There is still a hangover in the consciousness field that work should feel hard.  That liberation must be a slog, but the only true slogging is found in any resistance we might put up to simply allowing what is to be and using this as our guide towards what feels better and better and better still. 

Resisting anger, sadness, disappointment is so much more tiring than accepting and allowing. If you hold it though, it doesn't go, and will be working vibrationally in what you attract with and create in your reality. So it's really worth allowing! Just admit what you feel and notice how freeing this is in and of itself.  Avoidance is the biggest sense of false comfort. 

It's not what you say, or the actions you make, thats attracting your reality. Its your vibration behind the words, behind the acts. In this Cosmic and Earthly game of push and pulls.

All of us at a core level are consciously or unconsciously seeking the sweet spot that is the flow state. You know, that feeling of there are no obstructions, doors are opening, everything feels elegantly aligned and you're just in accord with the rhythm of the cosmos?

The Way, The Tao is always changing.  There is no end destination, it is always unfolding.  Our work is to find the path that feels sweetest to us, each and every day. 

Life is a meditation of continual there's that we strive towards through desire of the soul. In meditation we allow ourselves to be present and find pleasure in the journey, knowing that all of life is the journey. Taking in all of the views along the way. The successes, the fuck ups, the unintendeds, the exposions, the destructions, pains, the harmonies, the heartbreaks and of course the ecstasies.

And this is a liberation. 

To many degrees Let go and let God, or source or the universe (how ever you define or assign words to something so unnameable) will always stand true. But it isn't passive, it's participatory. Your radiance is God, Your light ups and arousals are your feminine God sexpot source.  Our full allowance of who we truly are and what we came here to be and do and create, unashamedly, is The Way. Your Way.

And we do it together.

In the name of freedom 

and with all the love that I am





the place of man and woman … conversATIONS WITH STRANGERS