There has to be a contraction after expansion

I have been reflecting so much on stability and volatility, and how we get stretched into our highest expressions. 

This is so related to letting go and not clinging ~ 

And with cosmic balance.

For anything to flow there has to be a harmony in the frequencies matching, and this feels like a flowing together, an easy swim, a glide, or an elevation.

When there is a coming together say, between you and another Soul, somebody with whom you are closely connected with spiritually, then when you meet in the 3D there is a powerful exchange of energy ~ You are feeling the timelessness of the connection and the whirling of source energy at your root when it is really intense.  This is a shaktipat ~ Shakti the sacred feminine psychic energy, pata meaning to fall or descend in Sanskrit. This naturally excites, arouses, energises the body, and because of the heating, brings the body into a less stable, more volatile state, a looseness that is required for transformation.  The stronger the excitement the more destabilising this is in the body. Think hot water being brought to boiling point and the particles moving faster and faster.  But as an organic regulation, the particles or people involved will need to calm and cool down afterwards.  The energy needs to be integrated and embodied, and this largely happens in the spaces between the physical contact.  The contact points are the activations, and the spaces are for settling, embodiment and integration.  It is only when the body has recalibrated that your Souls can come back together. In order for there to be harmony, there can be no volatility. 

When anything reaches its peak it naturally must incline back towards its opposing polarity. 

The space is about letting go, it is about seeing the wider picture.  In the pauses, should there be another meeting, we are able to process the change and upgrade happening in the body, receive new information from our Soul, and access deeper aspects of our being. It also allows us time to feel into our bodies and move back towards somebody only if we feel naturally inclined to after emptying and coming to a relaxed state again. This is a tantric stretching. 

Release the instinct to want to control or force and fall into the cosmic pattern that is so inclined in your highest favour. If it is in your highest interest to reconnect with anyone then you will feel a natural impulse to act, it is different from wanting though, it is arising out of emptiness and should feel as natural as the breath you take.  It will feel unthinking and you will simply be doing.


the place of man and woman … conversATIONS WITH STRANGERS


we carve our paths of light