Alchemical tincture no.Thirty, is all about crystal oddity shows, cosmic play, luminosity, and celebration. Wander with me through this Golden codes of Isis transmission on blossoming, birthing creations, the Sun dragon blowing, starting your journey, and shining light into your shadows. Sit, walk, bathe as you meditate with this dynamic contemplation received in pure love. You can use the seal of sovereignty for Luminosity (draw it/sit with it, place it on an altar of yours, inscribe it in sand) below to focus your energy towards honouring the places where you feel most alive and permitting yourself to go there as often as possible.
Alchemical tincture no.Thirty, is all about crystal oddity shows, cosmic play, luminosity, and celebration. Wander with me through this Golden codes of Isis transmission on blossoming, birthing creations, the Sun dragon blowing, starting your journey, and shining light into your shadows. Sit, walk, bathe as you meditate with this dynamic contemplation received in pure love. You can use the seal of sovereignty for Luminosity (draw it/sit with it, place it on an altar of yours, inscribe it in sand) below to focus your energy towards honouring the places where you feel most alive and permitting yourself to go there as often as possible.
Alchemical tincture no.Thirty, is all about crystal oddity shows, cosmic play, luminosity, and celebration. Wander with me through this Golden codes of Isis transmission on blossoming, birthing creations, the Sun dragon blowing, starting your journey, and shining light into your shadows. Sit, walk, bathe as you meditate with this dynamic contemplation received in pure love. You can use the seal of sovereignty for Luminosity (draw it/sit with it, place it on an altar of yours, inscribe it in sand) below to focus your energy towards honouring the places where you feel most alive and permitting yourself to go there as often as possible.